Sunday, March 23, 2008

Post Processing...

CRW_3169_RJ, originally uploaded by mrjonathanpotter.

Post Processing...I'm about four years behind in my computing technology, I'm still rocking a Powerbook G4 800, with no battery life, a slightly broken power adapter and OSX 10.2.3. So I don't do a whole lot of post processing on my images. I recently got an old Canon G3 and it does RAW so I've been playing around with it, as the raw files are only 4mp which is much more manageable with my ancient processor. These are a few photos I shot two weeks ago and I liked, so I thought I'd try my hand at a bit of post. Some of them look better than others, but that is ok with me. All in all pretty decent, I just need to get into a new computer and Photoshop CS at least.
As of now, that is all on the back burner as I just signed the lease on some office/studio space in Cathedral Park Place. I'll post pictures when I get a chance/get it all set up a little more, for now it is mainly storage for my gear away from home...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Website all updated and clean

screen, originally uploaded by mrjonathanpotter.

I updated the website last night, and cleaned it up a bit this morning. My eyes were pretty blearly by the time I got it all done. But, now I've got some tear sheets from Fresh Cup on there, and some of my portraiture as well. I'm pretty happy with it all in all. Once I've got some dedicated time, a new computer and CS3 I plan on doing some major revamping. But for now I'm happy with it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


IMG_0853_a, originally uploaded by mrjonathanpotter.

Worked with a really cool model on Sunday, LaurenKiley. It was good times, she had a really cool Portland-urban-hip look. Which fit perfectly with out shoot location, a really crazy low ceiling room that was completely empty.
It was good fun, and I think I am finally getting the hang of this portrait/portraiture thing. Some of the images I came out with I was really quite happy with.

Up next, me possibly getting studio space so I can stretch my legs and give Dana some room at home. We'll see...